Sunday 1 July 2012

Sad partings and new horizons


It is with great concern that I note that you have not yet responded to my most recent missive. I do hope that nothing untoward has befallen you, particularly as I have so often heard of the virulent Bacteriuria that proliferate so prodigiously in deepest Zananialand.

This is but a brief note to let you know that I have moved on from Claptrap and although it is of no moment, in light of the thrombat's most extraordinary ability to divine one's presence wheresoever one finds oneself, I knew you would be in eagerness to know where my travels have most recently taken me. On Watty's arrival in Claptrap some three weeks ago, he was quick to inform me that the reason for the device's fallible (I daresay non-existent!) performance is that it is in a state of dishabille, and would need to be deconstructed and reconstructed. This he promptly did, fuelled by claret and Mrs Wolport's most sturdy broth, however on full dismemberment he came to discover that there is in fact an (of course essential) part missing!

This led us to bid a rather tearful farewell to Mrs Wolport - tearful because the sweet lady had become quite dear to me over my time in the village, and because Watty so very quickly became devoted to her cooking - and to leave the fair environs of Claptrap to catch the fast airship out of Liverpool to Rapa Nui. (I am gratified to say that we most serendipitously were passing through Liverpool when the greater thrombat arrived with your package! But more about that next missive...) Watnot assures me that he some ten years ago saw a Rongorongo tablet there upon which was pictured the very part we seek! (As you know, I am not the one to laugh in the face of coincidence, since it has so often led me true)

Soon we will be alighting at Orongo, where I will dispatch this missive. In the meantime I had best get back to my Simpleton's Guide to Rongorongo, which Watty tells me will give me all I need to understand this intriguing language and with hope further our investigations.

I do hope that this finds you in good health and spirits.

Yours as ever, in darkness and in light,

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